Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hello blog world, I'm back and with some big news!

Hello blogging world! I know I've been MIA for a LONG time this year. It's been a crazy first half of the year. My hubs and I recently directed a community theater production of "Shrek: The Musical"- which was a success- so that took up most of my life for the past many months. Besides co-directing it, I did the choreography and hubs did the set design/building.

Among all that theater production fun, another big form of news came about...

Yep- that's right- I'm preggers. I call it "Peanut" and my hubs calls in "Spawn"- either way you look at it, we have a little bundle of joy coming our way come January.
All that being said- I've been thrust in the crazy world of being pregnant for the first time and planning all the necessary things to be a first-time parent. Holy cow there is a lot out there!
I've slowly starting to put together my baby registry and been busy going to doctors appointments- the big gender ultrasound will be sometime in September. We've also started looking at child care facilities- since we both want to continue to work full time.
There is so much in the wide-world of infants and parenting- that it's a little overwhelming.

What are some fun things you've learned (for those who are parents)? What was something you thought you just HAD to have, then realized you never ever used it?
We are all about being frugal- so I don't want to waste a single penny on useless items.

So this is your warning blogoshere- be prepared to start seeing some mommy/baby posts eventually from me, along with my usual DIY and crafting posts. You've been warned! lol.
Have a great day all!