It's Day 3 of Christmas card mania! This is gonna be a quick post since it is 3:30 am, I have to take my hubby to work at 7am, then get some sleep during the day so I can work the night shift. Luckily I get Friday/Saturday off to actually have time to DO something other than drive and work. *sigh*
Anyways, here is day 3's worth of Christmas cards. Enjoy!
Also, stay tuned for some Digiments previews! I haven't decided if I'm gonna preview my cards for ya'll tomorrow or Friday. But stay tuned and check out all the other great previews for the November Digiments release over at the Digiments blog! Check it out!
If you haven't yet, check out my two previous day's posts for more Christmas card fun, Here and here.
Later all and leave me some comment love all! I feel like I"m talking to thin air these day.
Night night (or morning for some of you). Laters.
Really like the ornament card - very elegant.