Friday, August 23, 2013

Favorites Friday: 5 years of Wedding Anniversaries

Hey all. Welcome to another Favorites Friday. This is going to be a little different than my other Favorites Fridays, since this Friday is my 5th Wedding anniversary with my hubs (and 9 years together total- since we got married on our "start" date).

Yeah- that is us on our wedding day, 5 years ago. Crazy how time flies!

So for this Favorites Friday, I'm giving you a roundup of our past five anniversaries, and how we celebrated them (along with some of my new favorite places and things). ;)

1st Anniversary:

We spent it mostly at Seaside Heights, but had our anniversary dinner at our favorite restaurant at the shore- Spicy Cantina, on the boardwalk (we HAVE to go there if we go to the shore).

2nd Anniversary:

We spent our 2nd anniversary having Chinese food at East Cuisine in Ambler, and adopting our beloved cat Wendy from the SPCA. (one of the best presents, I have to admit, for an anniversary)

3rd Anniversary:

Since it was a weekday and I had to work night shift, we had lunch at Cantina Feliz in Fort Washington and that weekend we went to Seaside Heights and had wandered around the boardwalk.

4th Anniversary:

We spent it at a local TexMex restaurant- TexMex Connection (within walking distance of our old place) and then spent the evening watching tv and having some of my favorite wine- Elmo Pio Moscato.

5th Anniversary:
(That's today!) We exchanged gifts earlier today (I got hubs 2 etched glass steins with World of Warcraft symbols on them and made a wood letterpress framed art (below). Hubs got me a cute Mario t-shirt, flowers, and some cute little candles, candy, etc., along with the supplies to cut glass bottles so we can hopefully finish our wine bottle chandelier). 

Since hubs had to work during the day, I spent the day cleaning around the house and running errands, but tonight we plan on going to have sushi at Concerto Fusion (our new favorite) and wine after dinner.

All in all, we have had 5 amazing married years and 9 years together. We kind of have some anniversary trends- having either Mexican or Asian cuisine, wine or margaritas, relaxing at home or going to Seaside Heights- for our anniversary. Overall- wonderful! I look forward to many more years of happiness!

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. So lovely! Happy anniversary! Wishing you decades more of love and joy with one another.

  2. Thanks! It was a simple, but fun night. Looking forward to many more years together. ;)


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