Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog Weekly Planner printable

So, as I sit here planning out my week of blog posts, I thought to myself- how can I setup a weekly planner that is easy to use and perfect for me to plan out my blog posts? So I created this nifty blog weekly planner.

I then decided to make it a little more specific to MY needs- such as my weekly features of Pinspirations and Favorites. So then I separated out the sidebar to look like this one:

If you would like this nifty planner, for yourself, feel free to download it by right clicking the image for full size. (Still trying to figure out the best way to share pdfs to ya'll).
It is a pretty simple printable, and not nearly as complicated as most, since I wanted to not waste a whole not of ink printing a boat-load of these, but it does the trick in helping me plan out my posts. yay! I thought maybe my fellow bloggers might want some organization too!
Organization for the win!
Have a great day all!

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